Toddler constantly getting up learns new sleep habits in less than a week!

5 Star Google Review 8/5/2024

Our daughter is 2 years old, and we have always struggled with her sleep. She would take 45 to 75 minutes to fall asleep even when cuddled, and she would wake and need resettling every 2 hours overnight. With a new baby on the way, we had to get things to change.

I was impressed with Deb’s professionalism and knowledge right from the start. She was able to give us the scientific explanation behind her advice which was also filled with years of experience.

We chose the 7 day intensive program. The first night was pretty tough. We spent an hour resettling her to sleep at bed time and then we were up 4-5 times in the night to resettle which would take 20-30 minutes each time. However, my husband and I supported each other through it. Things improved rapidly after that.

A couple of weeks into the new system, things are much better. She will often grumble in the middle of the night and then put herself back to sleep which is a huge improvement. On occasion, we still have to get up to resettle buts its usually only once a night and only every now and then.

She is still very difficult about putting on her pyjamas and having stories as she knows that this leads to sleep. However, once we get through that and turn off the light, she is very good at going to sleep. She sometimes needs to be sent back to bed once or twice, but usually within five minutes of lights out she’s settled down to sleep.

Things aren’t perfectly perfect but she’s also only 2, and we can keep working on improving it with time. We achieved what we wanted which was a new system that would accommodate a newborn in the mix too.

I’m really glad that we worked with Deb. She has been a huge support. The every day phone calls and advice is a good system, and then she was quite happy to take my call in the middle of the day when I couldn’t get my daughter to nap. It was also really good to have the two follow up conversations, one we used when things went a bit wonky when my husband went away for work. The other we are saving for when the baby comes.

Family, friends and books give all well intentioned advice, but if you are really at the end of your rope with your child’s sleeping, then you really need a professional that comes with the breadth and depth of knowledge and experience that Deb has. We were nervous to spend that much money on something that was potentially not going to work out, however what you are purchasing is research based, experience based, targeting help, and more importantly, adjustment, when that first bit of advice doesn’t work. Additionally, this experience has also been an investment in a personal skill set that will help with future babies and toddlers.

Working with Deb has been an excellent experience, I would recommend it to anyone struggling with a difficult sleeper. It means that everyone gets a good sleep which transforms the happiness of the whole household.

Meredyth, Western Australia