Getting better sleep often involves testing and measuring the outcome. Most of the time the outcome improves if you sustain the action. DRY JULY is the perfect way to test the effect alcohol has on your sleep and donate to a cause in which everyone on the planet has been affected. A loved one, a friend, or a stranger, every person affected by cancer has a story.
Alcohol is commonly used as a behavior to fall asleep faster but it affects sleep physiology. You might have noticed you feel warmer. Raised core body temperature is a wake-up signal and you may have noticed after the initial relaxation effect that you wake up tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep and feeling too hot. #sleep Alcohol is also a diuretic. That means you need to pee more and you will be feeling thirsty instead of sleeping. In the second half of your sleep night, dream sleep happens. This is important for emotional stability, memory and concentration and alcohol interferes with this process. Have you noticed your mental fogginess after drinking? July is the month for alcohol abstinence and supporting cancer research.
There are many benefits to drinking less alcohol besides sleeping better, and DRY JULY could mean you wake up with a clearer head, have more energy through the day, lose a bit of weight, eat better, feel like exercising, and improve the way you look with better skin tone and a longer healthier life. All in all, everything about you improves when you drink less.
Don’t forget to do a sleep diary and record your sleep…It might surprise you! #sleep #dryjuly #noalcohol#cancerresearch #feelbetter #sleepbetter #nighnigh